
Last updated: July 2023


🇳🇿 This is me. Myself, my projects and a bit about my interests. It is a purely private representation of my Open Source projects which I programmed in my spare time.

🇳🇴 Dette er meg. Nettsiden skriver litt om meg selv, interessene, frivillighetsarbeid og mine prosjekter. Nettsiden er fullt privat og gir en oversikt over open source prosjektene mine. Nettsiden er på engelsk.

🇩🇪 Diese Website beschreibt mich, meine Interessen, Ehrenamt und meine Projekte. Die Website ist privat, verarbeitet keine Daten und gibt eine Übersicht über meine OpenSource-Projekte.

🇫🇷 C'est moi. Ce site web parle de moi, de mes intérêts, de mon bénévolat et de mes projets. Le site est privé et donne un aperçu de mes projets opensource. Il est en anglais, personne n'utilise le français.

About me

I am a computer scientist, based in Bergen, Norway. I studied computer science in Berlin and Bergen. My GitHub-profile: Click

My projects

Independent from quality, I upload all of my projects from both university and spare time on GitHub. Each project is licensed by the GNU General Public License v2.0. You are welcome to reuse all of my projects for your own work, as long as you state the original author and publish your project under the same license.

The following list is a very short overview over projects I would like to share with you.

Traincoloureur (Python)

The aim of this little programme is the colourful visualisation of public transport distances in Berlin and Brandenburg. It shows distances from a certain station (by default Dabendorf Centralstation) represented by a rainbow scale (customisable). Since most European transport companies use the same timetable file format, it is possible to use for other European cities as well.

Distances of all train-, subway- and busstations in Berlin from Dabendorf station.
Distances of all train-, subway- and busstations in Berlin from Dabendorf station.

Norwegian Train Price Calendar (Python)

The Norwegian train companies have become overpriced after their privatisation. Also, the API for the prices is not publically available for free. Therefore, this project aims to scrape data from the Entur website to be able to observe changes in prices. Its functionality is primitive, but it makes it possible to get noticed whenever any given connection for a chosen date got cheaper, which means that the mini price tickets have been uploaded. You are very welcome to help making that project more accessable.

SameGame (Java)

This is SameGame, a popular game fron my childhood in which you need to try to remove all tiles on a board while collecting most points. You remove the tiles by clicking on adjacent tiles with the same colour while tiles fall down and empty columns move to the left.

Example of a fruity round of SameGame.
Example of a fruity round of SameGame.

JubileeCalculator (Java)

This little programme generates round and repdigit jubilees for any input date. It is a jubilee calculator for all sorts of people wanting to celebrate their 10 million seconds or 666 weeks jubilee.

Example for all jubilees of date 2004-08-07 09:00:00 until 2026-01-01 09:00:00
Date Jubilee
2022-08-07 09:00:00 18 Years
2022-08-30 14:20:00 9,500,000 Minutes
2022-10-22 09:00:00 950 Weeks
2022-11-07 08:00:00 6,666 Days
2023-02-07 09:00:00 222 Months
2023-08-07 09:00:00 19 Years
2023-08-12 19:39:00 9,999,999 Minutes
2023-08-12 19:40:00 600,000,000 Seconds
2023-08-12 19:40:00 10,000,000 Minutes
2023-09-30 09:00:00 999 Weeks
2023-10-07 09:00:00 7,000 Days
2023-10-07 09:00:00 1,000 Weeks
2024-08-07 09:00:00 20 Years
2025-02-18 08:00:00 7,500 Days
2025-03-13 11:33:20 650,000,000 Seconds
2025-06-07 09:00:00 250 Months
2025-08-07 09:00:00 21 Years
2025-09-22 10:11:00 11,111,111 Minutes
2025-09-22 10:11:06 666,666,666 Seconds
2025-11-22 08:00:00 7,777 Days
2025-11-22 08:00:00 1,111 Weeks


Holding a lot of presentation at university, I created a LaTeX-template for creating presentations in afashionable way. It comes with all the perks and disadvantages of using LaTeX, but has an automatic table of contents, a clickable navigation bar and a lot of nice fancy LaTeX functions.

Example of a slide
Example slide with a list and the navigation bar

As a student assistant at University in Bergen, I was presenting two crashcourses for students, preparing them for their exams some days later. Both presentations use the named template and are available in their own GitHub repositories.

The courses are INF115 Database systems and MNF130 Discrete Structures.

INF237 Algorithm Engineering

This is a collection of solved programming riddles of the Kattis website for competetive programming. It includes riddles solved for the University of Bergen INF237 Algorithm Engineering course. The used programming languages are Python, Java and Haskell.

INF273 Meta Heuristics

This is project from the University of Bergen INF273 Meta heuristics course. The aim is to use optimisation concepts to approach better solutions for a logistics problem. The problem was to minimise costs of transport given a number of trucks, distances, packages, their costs and time constraints.

Technical interests


I speak a couple of languages in a range between catastrophic and fluent. I am not sure yet if I enjoy learning languages, but it had some advantages in the past.


Remember to visit the webpage of the best rubber duck on planet, Guillaume.

Guillaume on Nesaksla in Åndalsnes
Guillaume on Nesaksla in Åndalsnes

Til Topps Bergen, Frivillighetsarbeid

One of the most amazing projects existing in Norway is the hiking group of Til Topps. It is a group of volunteers going on hikes around Bergen and Hordaland, taking with us people from other countries wanting to learn Norwegian. I once myself learned Norwegian that way and it is a great pleasure to help people getting better in speaking Norwegian in a stress-free environment (at least if you think hiking is stress-free).

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer as well or want to know more about the group, you can visit our website or send me an e-mail.


If there are any questions about some of my projects or anything else, you are welcome to contact me.

This website uses the fantastic library called LaTeX.css which freed me from dealing with real website stuff.